Combat Decision Fatigue in 2020

Let's talk about decision fatigue for a moment. If you're feeling exhausted by all.the.things., you are not alone. From a personal perspective, 2020 is slinging an onslaught of critical decisions to make and a deluge of information to sift through for ourselves and our loved ones. And then there's work. If you're a business leader, you're likely grinding it out this year, doing what it takes to make it all work, but the decisions - oh, the decisions! So, let's take a moment and acknowledge that we're all a bit tired.

Phew, okay. Now let's talk about what to do.

Lift up your head and take a look around. What can you let go of RIGHT NOW - personally or professionally - and hand it to someone else? Bonus points if you're not actually good at it, and your time is better served elsewhere.

I've been letting go of a lot more lately, teaming up with great professionals on a contract basis, ordering meal kit delivery for family dinner, and more. I'm here to tell you that the relief I feel at getting something done really well that I didn't have to do myself is so very sweet. Even if it's only 90% of the way there, let 2020 be the year that you acknowledge that "done is better than perfect." (Says the recovering perfectionist/control freak.)

Yes, there are caveats or learning curves - maybe the thing doesn't get done like you would have done it, or it's just not good. Or maybe someone declines your request. The boomeranged task is probably the heaviest of all, as you put something back onto your plate that you thought you'd cleared off. But don't let this stop you from trying in the first place. 

Preserve your mental energy for the work and the people that matter. If you're on the fence about outsourcing something, and you keep shoving it onto the next day's to-do list, be honest with yourself and either dump it into the trash can, or hand it to someone else. I've heard so many of my clients tell me "I've been trying to write about us for YEARS, and I just can't do it." Spare yourself the anguish and let it go.


ReTreat Yourself 2020


Webinar Replay: Communicating During Challenging Times