Starting Your Sales Funnel - The Three Elements

The most successful way to grow an email list is to give someone something of high value in exchange for their email address. That means you’ve got to have what we marketers call a "sales funnel". A sales funnel consists of 3 elements: a sales page, a pdf with some high value information for your audience, and 5 sales emails to ask them to buy from you. Want to grow your email list? Start there.

The Sales Page

Your sales landing page should be very clear:

  • What’s the offer?

  • How will it help the customer survive and thrive?

  • How can the customer sign up?

And that’s about it. Keep it simple and compelling.

The High Value PDF

People love a generous brand. What can you give away - for the price of an email address - that will provide value for a potential client while also positioning you as an expert to that client. The goal is for the prospective client to remember your generosity and your expertise and return to you when they're ready to purchase. A few important notes: don't give something away if you don't want to sell it later. I'll give you an example using myself: I'll help clients through a crisis, but I don't want to attract new clients who are currently in a crisis. This means that I need to be careful not to give away too many free crisis communications resources, or I'll start to position myself in the market as a crisis expert available for hire, when, in fact, I have a hard rule that I'll only support active clients experiencing crisis. So, when you think about your free download, consider the audience. If you're tired of attracting price-sensitive tire-kickers, don't give away free downloads geared toward them. Figure out what your IDEAL client wants and needs, and provide a resource that is appealing to THEM.

The 5 Sales Emails

Once the customer downloads the free content, the sales email campaign begins. These emails generally pack a punch, hitting the problem, solution, outcome, and asking for the sale. Once the sales campaign ends, the customer is moved over into the nurturing campaign where you can have a lot more fun with ongoing content.

Do you have a great email list and sales funnel? We LOVE creating compelling funnels that bring you the clients of your dreams. Book a consultation today.


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